Improve Microsoft Outlook’s performance using PST Splitter.
Reduce the size of PST files and make Outlook work faster. Split PST for better Outlook performance.
When the amount of data in Microsoft Outlook is large, it has huge impact on Outlook performance. A large PST file can significantly decrease Microsoft Outlook speed. And a slow Outlook is always a problem. This problem can be easily resolved by splitting large PST files into smaller ones. Use PST Splitter to archive data that is old or unnecessary and make your Outlook work much faster. Split large PST files in a way that is convenient for you. Organize data in smaller files by different

criteria, so it would be easy to find the items if needed. Keep your Outlook light and never worry about a slow Outlook again.
Deal with Microsoft Outlook PST file size limit using PST Splitter.
Microsoft Outlook 2000 and 2002 versions have the PST file size limit of 2GB. By using PST Splitter you can automatically reduce the size by archiving data files. There are many ways to reduce the file size. Choose the best way to split data files and deal with limits. The PST Splitter Pro Edition has an option to split files especially for Outlook 2000/2002 compatibility. The tool automatically splits your PST file in order to fit in the limitations. While using PST Splitter, you do not need to worry about reaching the size limit. Schedule automatic archiving by date and avoid oversized PST files. Or split large PST files manually by size. Select the specific size of the PST file you want to keep in Outlook and the rest of data will be archived in a different data file.